Setting up a Zipline Server
Zipline is a common ShareX server used by many to share screenshots and store files online!
- An All in One Server (AIO)
- A Postgres 16 Server
Setting Up:
On the AIO server, run the following commands:
# This Command clones the repository to the current directory.
git clone
# This moves your terminal into that directory.
cd zipline
# This sets the temporary cache files during installing to a directory inside your server.
mkdir /home/container/tmp && export TMPDIR=/home/container/tmp
# This starts the installation for your server.
yarn install
Then in your file explorer, go to the /zipline/
folder and rename env.local.example
to env.local
Here are some recommended configurations for this:
CORE_RETURN_HTTPS=true <- Set this to false if you encounter any SSL issues or are using the default node domain.
CORE_SECRET="<random characters>"
CORE_PORT=<port of the aio server>
CORE_DATABASE_URL="postgres://pterodactyl:<db password, can be found in the startup tab of the db server>@<db server ip, use if on the same node>:<db server port>/zip10"
After filling out your configuration files, run the following commands:
# This builds the modules so it loads faster when you visit the site.
yarn build
# This starts the production server and runs on the settings you configured before.
yarn start
The server should now start and you can go to the aio server's IP + Port to log into to zipline. The default login is administrator/password. Once in the panel, click your username on the top right corner and select manage account. From here you can scroll down and generate the sharex config, which you can use to easily add this server to your client.
Note: Make sure both servers are running when going through this process.
Thank you to raspi_dude (1005607106596057149) for creating this guide on the support channel.