What is RedDiscordBot? (RDB)

Red discord bot is a multi moduler discord bot. It means that it just has some base of commands. And you can add more commands by adding a thing called cogs (we can say plugins in mc fashion 😎) it had over 550 cogs and has many commands by default.

Creating the server

To create a server, we suppose that you've already created and linked an account into the panel.

In that case, go to the DBH Discord server and run this command:

For a free server:

DBH!server create redbot [optional server name]

Click Here to Access Your Server




Untitled Server (settings -> server name)

Command Executed By: jonfirexbox (856176853719187506)

For a donator server:

DBH!server create-donator redbot [optional server name]

Click Here to Access Your Server




Untitled Server (settings -> server name)

(1 slot / 6 slots)

Command Executed By: jonfirexbox (856176853719187506)


1. Setup config.json

Firstly. Go to .config/Red-DiscordBot And delete that config.json. after that open your favourite code editor and paste in the code from below.

    "pterodactyl": {
        "DATA_PATH": "/home/container/.local/share/Red-DiscordBot/data/pterodactyl",
        "COG_PATH_APPEND": "cogs",
        "CORE_PATH_APPEND": "core",
        "STORAGE_TYPE": "JSON",
        "STORAGE_DETAILS": {}

2. Setup token and prefix

Token: Go to your server's startup tab. In variables there should be a DISCORD BOT TOKEN. In that feild remove all the text and paste your discord bot token. And that's it.

Prefix Go to your server's startup tab. In variables there should be a COMMAND PREFIX. In that remove everything and fill in your prefix.

2.1. Setting Owner

In your prefix variable after prefix add a --owner after that put a space and follow that by your user id.

2.2 Example

./ --owner 248470317540966443 --dev in here ./ Is my prefix. --owner 248470317540966443 is my user id. --dev is used for some extra dev commands. In --owner replace my id with your id


Well that's basically it. If I missed anything feel free to make a pr. Have fun using red

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