Welcome to DanBot Hosting Docs!
Hello there! You seem to be troubled in creating servers, figuring out how DBH and their server types work, how to add custom domain etc. Well, DBH Docs is a way you can achieve this all. So what are you waiting for? Get your fast fingers and eagle eyes ready and start reading DBH Docs.
Here you can find solutions to your issues, extra help and additional free content to improve your programming experience!
What's DBH?
DanBot Hosting - DBH is a free hosting done right owned and founded by Dan. It offers free shared hosting for web/bot development. Along with free hosting, you can pay for a lifetime premium server offering unlimited disk usage, better uptime and speed. More about the hosting service:
- Cheap paid VPS plan (available but only through paypal)
- No storage limit for your server
- Lifetime 24/7 hosting
- Unlimited server creation
- 49 available server types
Getting started.
To easily get started checkout either #📗╏getting-started channel in DBH Discord Server or head to this page:
What is the project for?
This project was originally made by a bunch of DBH members to let newbies know everything about DanBot Hosting LTD! Which has now been contined by the DanBot Hosting LTD Staff Team.
Maintainers: Jonfirexbox & DIBSTER
Original Creator: Domin
We're counted as a official source of knowledge. Please note that this documentation is still being worked on and things are still changing. Want to contribute to this project? Visit documentation's repository for more information